Develop a website on Tilda for the company

📌 Develop a website on Tilda for the company

Technologies: Tilda

📄Description: The website design of Zaharov Consulting ( ) is subject to development. The company specializes in recruitment.
Objective: to develop a website on Tilda for the company "Zaharov Consulting" in 3 weeks

The site is created for the following purposes: - informing clients about the company's services, - promoting the brand of Zaharov Consulting as a successful, reliable and developing agency in recruitment, - popularizing the positive image of the company, - increasing the volume - attracting new customers for the company's services.

Technical requirements: knowledge of Figma, Tilda, HTML and CSS, the site should load quickly, the site should open in Yandex, Google, Safari, Firefox, Edge

Design style: minimalistic

Experience: from 2 years
Cost: up to 200 thousand rubles

Budget: 5000$-10000$

🔗 Files: