
šŸ“Œ Casify

šŸ“„ Description: Page 1 Sign-up page Need help?

SSO Sign up with existing gmail account No

Already have an account Log in No

Remember me Remember Email address No

Forgot password Email link for new password No

Page 2 Dasboard

Logout button Logout current user No

Total case studies published Total no. of published case studies from table Yes

Search bar Search table with keywords Yes

Pie charts Choose from table column field to display pie charts (Upto 3) Yes

Initiate new request for customer to fill Navigate to page 3

Initiate new case study- Filled by Myself Navigate to page 4

Table Display "No data to show" if empty Yes

Table Display data from table, dynamic DB Yes

Set goals Choose quarterly / Annual -> Updates from table DB No

Review content Review and send for approval internally--> follow same email workflow approve / reject Yes

Publish Send email content to final stakeholder No

Page 3 Enter customer email

Send email button Refresh and navigate to dashboard No

Page 4 AI Page

Save content as versions Versions of AI generated content saved Yes

Content status check Approved / Rejected / comments visible Yes

Content block Editable Yes

Content block Copy / paste Yes

Choose versions Top dropdown Yes

Publish to vendor Send final content to vendor No

Page 5 Email approvals

Email recieved CTA Approve / reject Yes

Comments Option to add comments and respond yes

Budget: < less than $500
