
šŸ“Œ ClassMate

šŸ“„ Description: Project Overview:

Classmate is an exciting app that aims to revolutionize the way students manage their coursework and class schedules. This app addresses a common problem in educational institutions: the complexity of managing multiple courses with diverse syllabi, systems, schedules, and assignments.

Project Description

The Problem:

In today's educational landscape, students often face the challenge of juggling multiple courses, each with its syllabus, applications, class schedule, and assignments. This complexity can lead to missed deadlines, bad grades and added stress.

The Solution (High-Level):

"Classmate" is designed to streamline the organization of academic information. By extracting data from syllabus documents, it generates personalized schedules for assignments, making it easier for students to keep track of their coursework.

Key Features (High-Level):

Homework Schedule (HS):

ā€¢ Organizes assignments by course ID, name, type, and due date.

ā€¢ Ensures students never miss an assignment deadline.

Class Schedule (CS):

ā€¢ Displays class days, times, and room information.

ā€¢ Simplifies the navigation of the daily class schedule.

Target Audience:

This app primarily caters to college and university students, as high schools often have more organized systems in place.

What We're Looking For:

We are seeking a talented developer to bring our vision to life. If you're interested in this project, please reach out to us for more details. Please note that we are deliberately not disclosing the full project scope here to protect our unique approach and idea.

If you're interested, kindly provide a brief overview of your relevant experience, and we'll contact you with more specific project details and requirements. The

Budget: $2k - $5k
