Queens Planet Travels

šŸ“Œ Queens Planet Travels

šŸ“„ Description: Project Title: Queens Travels - Developer Project Brief

Project Overview:

Queens Travels is a sophisticated travel and tourism platform that demands a seamless integration of various services. The goal is to create a user-friendly mobile app for travelers, an efficient admin panel for management, and an affiliate panel for partner collaboration. This application must effortlessly connect with IATA BSP, Amadeus GDS, and other APIs, offering users a unified solution for flight, hotel, and taxi bookings.

Key Technical Features:

User App:

Develop an intuitive UI for easy navigation and smooth user experience.

Implement features for Flight Booking, Hotel Booking, and Taxi Rentals with real-time data.

Create personalized user profiles with the ability to manage preferences and view booking history.

Admin Panel:

Build a comprehensive dashboard for real-time monitoring of bookings, revenue, and user activity.

Develop robust content management capabilities for travel-related content.

Implement booking and user management features for seamless administration.

Affiliate Panel:

Design an easy onboarding process for affiliates with detailed reporting and analytics.

Establish transparent commission tracking functionalities for affiliate partners.

Provide access to marketing materials and resources for affiliates.


Integrate with IATA BSP for accurate and updated flight information.

Establish connectivity with Amadeus GDS for a vast inventory of travel services.

Implement API integration for additional services and an enhanced user experience.

Integrate payment gateways including Paystack, Flutterwave, Stripe, and PayPal for secure transactions.


Implement SSL encryption for secure data transmission.

Develop secure user authentication methods to protect user accounts.

Ensure compliance with industry standards for data security.

User Notifications:

Implement real-time updates and notifications for booking confirmations, changes, and reminders.

Include features for notifying users of promotional offers and travel-related deals.

Responsive Design:

Develop a responsive UI using React Native for the mobile app and React for web interfaces.

Ensure cross-browser compatibility for widespread accessibility.

Technology Stack:

Frontend: React Native for mobile app, React for web interfaces.

Backend: Node.js for server-side development.

Database: MongoDB for data storage.

APIs: Integration with IATA BSP, Amadeus GDS, and relevant APIs.

Payment Gateways: Integration with Paystack, Flutterwave, Stripe, and PayPal APIs.


Queens Travels aims to provide a top-notch travel experience by combining a user-friendly interface with robust backend functionalities. As a developer, your role is crucial in creating a seamless application that integrates various services, ensuring secure transactions, and delivering a reliable platform for both users and business partners in the travel industry.

Budget: $1k - $2k

Contact: adamu7360@gmail.com