📌 TOR Website
📄Description: Developers to create a turnkey website according to TOR, prototype in figma (desktop, mobile) and ERD model.
The site is adaptive, multi-lingual. Number of pages: 27. Number of tables in the database: 23.
Stack: Django, React
Form of fulfillment: contract with an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity.
Deadline: 15.07 - 10.10.
Need experienced specialists.
Good afternoon, I send materials for estimating labor costs for development. TOR: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11lIBsUs8AU2Z_YAizz8M9rBJqzeJr0wdKafDuJqy9Q4/edit?usp=sharing Prototype: https://www.figma.com/file/Xx3on436LTfOYwio89QiDp/scicite?node-id=43%3A3232&t=wlouri0JwzbzNo6U-1 ERD: https://viewer.diagrams.net/?tags=%7B%7D&highlight=0000ff&edit=_blank&layers=1&nav=1#G1P-_vj_Rdbl3FgukBidrbAZEgaSqH74Em
Budget: 5000$-10000$
🔗 Files:
TOR Website

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