Mobile app development

📌 Mobile app development

📄 Description: A close example of what I cam looking for is:

The layout I have in mind is:

Opening screen -> choice of 7 buttons -> each button leads to 48 buttons -> each 48 buttons lead to a video panel with two button underneath (choice of view) of a video c.3 seconds long on a repeated loop.

Videos are pre-loaded into the app and do not change. They are accessed via the button trail listed above.

This MVP is part of a much bigger project so depending on your quote and how the work with this project progresses there will be further opportunities for work.

If you have any questions, please let me know – best via reply to this email.

Please also include hosting, timescales, and updates / bug modification details.

Budget: $2k - $5k

Contact: [email protected]

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