Unleashing Innovation: How Zerocoder Students Earned $8,500 in 2 Months

Zerocoder's top graduates completed the MarteKings project under budget and ahead of schedule. They used Bubble, Figma, Stripe, Calendly, and Telegram for efficient management and payments. The platform includes an extensive admin panel for complex service and client management.
Unleashing Innovation: How Zerocoder Students Earned $8,500 in 2 Months
Unleashing Innovation: How Zerocoder Students Earned $8,500 in 2 Months

MARTEKINGS Description

Project cost: $24,000
Duration: 3-4 months
Development Stack: Bubble, Figma, Telegram, Calendly

What Does Zerocoder Do

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Zerocoder Website

Zerocoder is not just a platform that provides coding courses; it's a community of ambitious individuals who share a common goal – to master coding without prior experience. In today's world, having a deep understanding of coding architecture is not mandatory to identify oneself as a developer. Zerocoder focuses on nocode courses that teach the art of website creation and also provides job placement assistance. Imagine completing your training and immediately receiving a job offer with financial compensation. Additionally, our courses offer the essential knowledge and skills required for those who aspire to innovate.

Zerocoder's top graduates are a prime choice for those seeking to bypass project complexities. Their ability to exceed expectations and deliver scalable, user-friendly solutions is evident from the success of the MarteKings project.

The Process Of Choosing A Graduate Developer

Zerocoder Team

The journey began with a promising offer that paved the way for an ambitious project. The success of this venture depended on finding the right talent, particularly a novice programmer who could bring fresh perspectives to our experienced team. This process was nuanced and critical, and Zerocoder's expertise was instrumental in identifying a candidate with the right skills and strong potential for growth.

Key Selection Criteria:

  • Technical Foundation: It is essential to possess adaptability towards new technologies to tackle the project's challenges.
  • Problem-solving Ability: The candidates were required to exhibit their innovative thinking skills and ability to handle complex issues effectively.
  • Cultural Fit and Team Dynamics: Ensuring seamless integration with our existing team and work culture is crucial.
  • Growth Potential: We were searching for individuals who were willing to grow professionally and could evolve with the project.
  • Communication Skills: For our project to be successful, it was essential that ideas were communicated clearly and collaboration was effective. There was no room for negotiation on these requirements.

"Zerocoder helped us improve our project's selection process. They carefully tailored the process to our needs, screening candidates, creating practical problem-solving challenges, and evaluating their compatibility with our team's culture. With Zerocoder's guidance, we were able to select a talented novice programmer who not only had the necessary technical skills but also quickly became an essential part of our team. This meticulous selection process played a crucial role in setting our project on the path to success, emphasizing the importance of strategic hiring decisions and the advantages of expert collaboration during this critical phase."

Let's Get To Know The Bubble Developers Of The Project

Alexey Selivanov
Alexey Selivanov

The team behind the innovative project at MarteKings.com comprises talented individuals who bring diverse skills and experiences. Two recent university graduates have made significant contributions to the project's development.

Alexey Selivanov is a valuable team member, bringing a fresh perspective and a deep understanding of technology. He started his journey in the tech industry by dedicating a year to studying a specialized course in Bubble technology, which equipped him with the skills necessary to thrive in the fast-paced environment of tech startups. Despite having only three years of professional experience, Alexey's academic background in System Analysis and Management from the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) provided him with a solid foundation.

Before joining MarteKings.com project, Alexey focused solely on his studies, which allowed him to fully immerse himself in his educational pursuits and later apply his knowledge effectively in the project's development.

Thomas Harding
Thomas Harding

Thomas Harding is a talented graduate who has quickly made a significant contribution to the MarteKings.com project. Like Alexey, Thomas also has three years of professional experience, but his journey began on the other side of the world. Having completed his university studies in Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley, Thomas dedicated a year to mastering web development, with a particular focus on FlutterFlow. This specialized training equipped him with the skills necessary to tackle challenging projects. Before joining the team, Thomas had not worked in the industry, preferring instead to concentrate on his studies and freelance work to improve his skills in practical applications. Now, as part of the MarteKings.com Thomas utilizes his web development expertise and innovative mindset to help ensure the success of the project.

Alexey and Thomas embody the determination and devotion of the MarteKings.com team. Their expertise in technology and new perspectives have been crucial in advancing the project. Their transition from academic learning to professional success highlights the project's dedication to nurturing talent and fostering innovation.

How The Project Development Process Was Structured

Zerocoder Team

"We created the MarteKings project with a focus on what users needed. We started by making a detailed plan that guided all the work we did. We used our expertise and agile methods to make sure the project was high quality and worked very well. We tested everything very carefully to make sure it was exactly what we wanted. After we launched the project, we continued to provide support and maintenance to make sure it stayed reliable and useful."

Zerocoder's success in delivering a robust and scalable solution was largely due to the contributions of Alexey Selivanov and Thomas Harding. These two individuals were chosen for their technical skills, adaptability, and innovative spirit. Alexey's expertise in Bubble technology and Thomas's proficiency in FlutterFlow directly addressed the project's technical requirements. Their ability to learn quickly and work well in a team environment, coupled with a passion for pushing technological limits, was pivotal. Their contributions were vital in creating a collaborative, innovative project atmosphere, aligning with Zerocoder's goal of delivering a solution that exceeds expectations.

Let's Speak About

Martekings Logo

The MarteKings project has a budget of $24,000 and is a sophisticated system designed for a marketing services agency. The project has achieved notable efficiency by saving $8,500 and reducing the development time by 3-4 months. The project has been developed using Bubble for the backend and Figma for the design, which has resulted in a cost-effective and high-quality platform. The system is integrated with Stripe for streamlined payments, which enhances user experience by facilitating easy transactions for additional services.

Integrating Calendly and Telegram can greatly enhance operational efficiency by facilitating effortless communication with clients and enabling them to receive real-time updates. The platform's admin panel is a standout feature, offering comprehensive management of client interactions and service offerings, serving as a centralized control hub for the agency's operations.

The strategic use of technology ensured adherence to the budget and timelines and delivered a comprehensive and user-friendly system. The MarteKings project serves as an excellent example of the advantages of making targeted technology choices when creating a scalable solution that meets the complex needs of a marketing services agency. The project emphasizes the importance of client communication and service management.

How Does It Look



The MarteKings project is a testament to the skills of Zerocoder's graduates. With a budget of $24,000, they were able to deliver a comprehensive marketing services platform that saved $8,500 and cut development time by 3-4 months. The project made use of Bubble, Figma, Stripe, Calendly, and Telegram to ensure efficient management, seamless payments, and enhanced communication. Additionally, the platform boasts an extensive admin panel that caters to the complex needs of service and client management.

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